Parish Church of England Primary School

Welcome to Parish Church of England
Primary School

"Building Learning, Friendship and Faith"

It is a real pleasure to welcome you to Parish Church of England Primary School.

Our school is part of the Aquinas Multi Academy Trust, a group of schools that share a similar educational vision and values and who work together to enable each child to realise his or her potential within the context of a caring Christian community.  

As a church school we endeavour to teach our children about the Christian faith through our Acts of Collective Worship and through the way we live and work together. God is at the heart of our school life as we focus on our core values of integrity, honesty, respect, generosity, trust and care.

At Parish we believe that is important that children receive a broad and enriching curriculum, which prepares them for the next phase of their education, and we continue to strive to achieve this.  Whilst standards in Numeracy and Literacy are important, we encourage children to learn about the wider world through our curriculum and enable them to enjoy a range of musical and sporting activities both during the day and through after school clubs. We value each and every talent and skill not just of the pupils but also of all of our staff, and we seek to nurture and develop every individual.

Mrs Rachel Coleman